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Publikacje Pracowników Politechniki Lubelskiej

Autorzy: Kisała Piotr
Rok wydania: 2012
Wersja dokumentu: Drukowana | Elektroniczna
Język: angielski
Numer czasopisma: 4
Wolumen/Tom: 19
Strony: 727 - 738
Web of Science® Times Cited: 15
Bazy: Web of Science
Efekt badań statutowych NIE
Materiał konferencyjny: NIE
Publikacja OA: NIE
Abstrakty: angielski
This paper presents a method of using a sensor with uniform Bragg grating with appropriately generated zonechirp. The presented method can be used for measuring two physical quantities, namely strain and temperature.By providing the same temperature sensitivity and different sensitivity to strain of two parts of a sensor, andexperimental measurement of qualities of the proposed system and its calibration (experimental determination ofsensitivity), verification of the results obtained from laboratory tests and the possibility of its practicalimplementation has been confirmed. The sensor grating was placed in such a way that its half was in the zone ofa variable value of axial strain caused by changes of the cross-section of the sample. The other half, however,was in the zone of a constant cross-section of the sample and of constant value of strain, caused by the forcestretching the sample. The obtained errors of non-linearity of processing characteristics for measuring strain and temperature of the proposed system were 2.7% and 1.5% respectively, while coefficients of sensitivity to strainand temperature were 0.77 x 10-6 m/ε and 4.13 x 10-12 m/K respectively. The maximum differences between thevalues obtained from the indirect measurement and the set values were 110 με for strain and 3.8°C fortemperature, for a strain of 2500 με and a temperature of 40°C.