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Publikacje Pracowników Politechniki Lubelskiej

Lista A
Autorzy: Bartnicki Jarosław
Rok wydania: 2012
Wersja dokumentu: Drukowana
Język: angielski
Numer czasopisma: Spec. Ed.
Strony: 1407 - 1410
Efekt badań statutowych NIE
Materiał konferencyjny: NIE
Publikacja OA: NIE
Abstrakty: angielski
This paper presents the results of numerical analyses of rolling - extrusion process of hydrokinetic joint forging. Calculations were conducted with the application of the software Simufact in conditions of three - dimensional state of strain and with consideration of thermo - mechanical phenomena present during the process. Distributions of stresses and strains were determined during the research works. Moreover, force parameters necessary for practical realization of this process were given. Designed, for calculation model needs, tooling consisting of three profiled roils, a pusher and a bumper was made in metal and applied in experiments of verifying character. Labo¬ratory experiments were made in a prototype aggregate for rolling extrusion PO-2.This machine, comparing with first version PO-1, has a possibility of forming with fluently changeable feed rates and tools - rolls spacing, which widely increases fields of its applications. Satisfac¬tory results of tests confirmed the possibility of manufacturing of such elements of multi - stepped geometry by means of rolling extrusion technology.