Fragmenty książek z 2020 (1)
1. Fluorescent microscopy of biological tissues of the dead with the different levels of blood loss / Alexander G. Ushenko, Anna Syvokorovskaya, Viktor T. Bachinsky, Marta Garazdyuk, Oleg Ya. Vanchuliak, Alexander V. Dubolazov, Yuriy A. Ushenko, Yuriy Ya. Tomka, Mykhaylo Gorsky, Iryna V. Soltys, Zbigniew Omiotek, Nataliia Kondratiuk, Aigul Iskakova. [W]: Photonics Applications in Astronomy, Communications, Industry, and High Energy Physics Experiments 2020.- 2020, s. 85-92 [MNiSW: 20]
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