Artykuły z 2024 (1)
1. Numerical Analysis of the Crashworthiness Performance of Multicell Tubes under Oblique Loads / Quirino Estrada, Jarosław Zubrzycki, Elva Reynoso, Julio Vergara, Aztlán Bastarrachea, Alejandro Rodriguez-Mendez, Manuel de Jesús Nandayapa, Jesus Silva Aceves, Francisco Enriquez Aguilera, Lara Wiebe // Advances in Science and Technology Research Journal.- 2024, vol. 18, nr 8, s. 228-237 [MNiSW: 100]
Artykuły z 2023 (1)
1. Numerical Study of the Energy Absorption Performance of 3D Printed Sandwich Structures / Quirino Estrada, Jarosław Zubrzycki, Elva Reynoso, Dariusz Szwedowicz, Alejandro Rodriguez-Mendez, Magdalena Marchewka, Julio Vergara, Aztlán Bastarrachea, Jesús Silva // Advances in Science and Technology Research Journal.- 2023, vol. 17, nr 5, s. 153-162 [MNiSW: 100]
Artykuły z 2022 (1)
1. Influence of 3D Printing Parameters by FDM Method on the Mechanical Properties of Manufactured Parts / Jarosław Zubrzycki, Quirino Estrada, Michał Staniszewski, Magdalena Marchewka // Advances in Science and Technology Research Journal.- 2022, vol. 16, nr 5, s. 52-63 [MNiSW: 100]
Artykuły z 2021 (1)
1. Mechanical design of a low-cost ABS hand prosthesis using the finite element method / A. Bastarrechea, Q. Estrada, J. Zubrzycki, V. Torres-Argüelles, E. Reynoso, A. Rodríguez-Mendez and E. Coutiño // Journal of Physics : Conference Series.- 2021, vol. 1736, s. 1-12 [MNiSW: 40]
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