Artykuły z 2022 (2)
1. Advanced interactions of cement-based materials with microorganisms: A review and future perspective / Natt Makul, Roman Fediuk, Maciej Szeląg // Journal of Building Engineering.- 2022, vol. 45, s. 1-17 [MNiSW: 140]
Artykuły z 2021 (4)
1. Application of Plastic Wastes in Construction Materials: a Review Using the Concept of Life-Cycle Assessment in the Context of Recent Research for Future Perspectives / Tulane Rodrigues da Silva, Afonso Rangel Garcez de Azevedo, Daiane Cecchin, Markssuel Teixeira Marvila, Mugahed Amran, Roman Fediuk, Nikolai Vatin, Maria Karelina, Sergey Klyuev and Maciej Szeląg // Materials.- 2021, vol. 14, nr 13, s. 1-19 [MNiSW: 140]
2. Increase the Performances of Lime Finishing Mixes Due to Modification with Calcium Silicate Hydrates / Valentina Loganina, Kristina Sergeeva, Roman Fediuk, Valery Uvarov, Nikolai Vatin, Yuriy Vasilev, Mugahed Amran and Maciej Szeląg // Crystals.- 2021, vol. 11, nr 4, s. 1-21 [MNiSW: 70]
3. Nano- and Micro-Modification of Building Reinforcing Bars of Various Types / Aleksandr Rudenko, Alexander Biryukov, Oleg Kerzhentsev, Roman Fediuk, Nikolai Vatin, Yuriy Vasilev, Sergey Klyuev, Mugahed Amran and Maciej Szeląg // Crystals.- 2021, vol. 11, nr 4, s. 1-11 [MNiSW: 70]
4. Properties and Strength Prediction Modeling of Green Mortar with Brick Powder Subjected to a Short-Term Thermal Shock at Elevated Temperatures / Maciej Szeląg, Joanna Styczeń, Roman Fediuk and Renata Polak // Materials.- 2021, vol. 14, nr 21, s. 1-19 [MNiSW: 140]
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