Fragmenty książek z 2022 (1)
Fragmenty książek z 2021 (1)
1. Review on the processing and properties of nanocomposites based on polyvinyl alcohol and intercalated montmorillo / Volodymyr Krasinskyi, Ivan Gajdoš, Tomasz Jachowicz. [W]: Technological and design aspects of the processing of composites and nanocomposites : monography. Vol. 4.- 2021, s. 211-228 [MNiSW: 5]
Fragmenty książek z 2020 (1)
1. Effect of nanofillers percentage on mechanical properties of pp/mmt nanocomposites / Dulebová L., Moravskyi V., Krasinskyi V., Garbacz T.. [W]: X Ukrainian-Polish Scientific Conference "Polymers of special applications" : theses of the reports = X Ukraïns՚ko-Pol՚s՚ka naukova konferencìâ „Polìmeri specìal՚nogo priznačennâ” : tezi dopovidej.- 2020, s. 25-25
Fragmenty książek z 2019 (3)
1. Cfd simulation of rotational barrel segment mixing performance in single screw extruder / Ivan Gajdoš, Ján Slota, Janusz Sikora, Volodymyr Krasinskyi. [W]: II International Scientific-Technical Conference "The modern technologies of polymer materials obtaining and processing" : book of abstracts.- 2019, s. 16-16
2. Nanocomposite hydrogel films based on polyvinyl alcohol / Volodymyr Krasinskyi, Viktoria Antoniuk, Tomasz Jachowicz, Ivan Gajdos. [W]: II International Scientific-Technical Conference "The modern technologies of polymer materials obtaining and processing" : book of abstracts.- 2019, s. 33-33
3. Utilization of mesh superposition technique for simulation of single screw extruder / Gajdos Ivan, Emil Spisak, Janusz Sikora, Volodymyr Krasinskyi. [W]: PRO-TECH-MA 2019 : International Scientific Conference : conference proceedings.- 2019, s. 39-39
Fragmenty książek z 2017 (2)
1. Polimery przewodzące prąd elektryczny / Tomasz Jachowicz, Ivan Gajdoš, Volodymyr Krasinskyi. [W]: Nowoczesne materiały polimerowe i ich przetwórstwo. Cz. 3.- 2017, s. 71-81 [MNiSW: 20]
2. Wybrane właściwości geometryczne kształtek polimerowych wytwarzanych w procesie termoformowania / Tomasz Garbacz, Volodymyr Krasinskyi. [W]: XIII Konferencja Naukowo-Techniczna "Kierunki modyfikacji i zastosowań tworzyw polimerowych", Rydzyna, 15-17 maja 2017 : [materiały konferencyjne].- 2017, s. 127-130
Fragmenty książek z 2016 (3)
1. Biodegradable polymers and composites and their processing / Bronisław Samujło, Volodymyr Krasinskyi. [W]: Technological and design aspects of extrusion and injection moulding of thermoplastic polymer composites and nanocomposites. Vol. 4.- 2016, s. 110-124
2. Selected properties of modified polymer coating of mesh fencing / Tomasz Garbacz, Volodymyr Krasinskyi. [W]: International Scientific-Technical Conference "The Modern Technologies of Polymer Matrrials Obtaining and processing", 21-23 September 2016, Lviv : [book of abstract].- 2016, s. 38-38
3. Оsoblivosti oderżanna nanokompozitnih polimernih plivok / Volodymyr Krasinskyi, Viktoria Antoniuk, Natalia Hamula, Tomasz Garbacz. [W]: International Scientific-Technical Conference "The Modern Technologies of Polymer Matrrials Obtaining and processing", 21-23 September 2016, Lviv : [book of abstract].- 2016, s. 51-51
Fragmenty książek z 2015 (12)
1. Cellular process and properties of cellular PVC extrudate / Tomasz Garbacz, Volodymyr Krasinskyi. [W]: Scientific-Practical International Conference “Technological and design aspects of modern methods of composite and nanocomposite processing”, 18-19 February 2015, Lviv, Ukraine: [book of abstracts].- 2015, s. 17-17
2. Characteristic of selected physical properties of injected polimer composites / Aneta Tor-Świątek, Volodymyr Krasinskyi, Lenka Markovičovà. [W]: Technological and design aspects of extrusion and injection moulding of thermoplastic polymer composites and nanocomposites. Vol. 3.- 2015, s. 141-155
3. Characteristic of selected physical properties of injected polymer composites / Aneta Tor-Świątek, Volodymyr Krasinskyi, Lenka Markovičovà. [W]: Scientific-Practical International Conference “Technological and design aspects of modern methods of composite and nanocomposite processing”, 18-19 February 2015, Lviv, Ukraine: [book of abstracts].- 2015, s. 19-19
4. Development of equipment for the production of hydrogel films by centrifugal molding / Oleksander Grytsenko, Tomasz Jachowicz, Oleh Suberlyak, Volodymyr Krasinskyi. [W]: Advanced technologies in designing, engineering and manufacturing: research problems.- 2015, s. 29-42
5. Efektywność chemicznych środków porujących w procesie wtryskiwania / Tomasz Garbacz, Volodymyr Krasinskyi. [W]: XVIII Profesorskie Warsztaty Naukowe " Przetwórstwo Tworzyw Polimerowych", 2-4 lipca 2015, Brodowo k/Poznania : [streszczenia].- 2015, s. 21-22
6. Effect of modified montmorillonite on operating characteristics of polyamide / Aneta Tor-Świątek, Oleh Suberlyak, Volodymyr Krasinskyi, Y. Klym. [W]: Scientific-Practical International Conference “Technological and design aspects of modern methods of composite and nanocomposite processing”, 18-19 February 2015, Lviv, Ukraine: [book of abstracts].- 2015, s. 10-10
7. Nanocomposites on the basis of thermoplastics and montmorillonite modified by polyvinylpyrrolidone / Volodymyr Krasinskyi, Oleh Suberlyak, Y. Klym, Ivan Gajdoš, Tomasz Jachowicz. [W]: Technological and design aspects of extrusion and injection moulding of thermoplastic polymer composites and nanocomposites. Vol. 3.- 2015, s. 103-126
8. Structure and characteristics of montmorillonite-polyvinylpirrolidone mixture / Tomasz Garbacz, Oleh Suberlyak, Volodymyr Krasinskyi, Y. Klym. [W]: Scientific-Practical International Conference “Technological and design aspects of modern methods of composite and nanocomposite processing”, 18-19 February 2015, Lviv, Ukraine: [book of abstracts].- 2015, s. 23-23
9. Testing of selected sorptive-diffusive properties of extruded polymer composites / Tomasz Garbacz, Volodymyr Krasinskyi, Hendrik Gerlach. [W]: Technological and design aspects of extrusion and injection moulding of thermoplastic polymer composites and nanocomposites. Vol. 3.- 2015, s. 127-138
10. The selected design recommendations for production of injection parts / L'udmila Dulebová, Bronisław Samujło, Volodymyr Krasinskyi. [W]: Bezpečnosť-kvalita-spoľahlivosť : 6 Medzinárodná Vedecká Konferencia, Košice 2015.- 2015, s. 37-42
11. Vpliv modifìkovanogo montomorilonìtu na ekspluattacìjnì harakteristiki plivok na osnovì polìvìnìlovogo spirtu / Volodymyr Krasinskyi, Oleh Suberlyak, Tomasz Jachowicz, Viktoria Antoniuk. [W]: Actual Problems of Chemistry and Technology of Organic Substances APCTOS 2, 5-7 November 2015, Lviv, Ukraine: [book of abstract].- 2015, s. 47-47
12. Zgrzewanie folii polimerowych metodą klinową / Tomasz Garbacz, Volodymyr Krasinskyi. [W]: Nowoczesne materiały polimerowe i ich przetwórstwo. Cz. 2.- 2015, s. 113-126
Fragmenty książek z 2014 (7)
1. Analysis of foaming extrusion process / Aneta Tor-Świątek, Volodymyr Krasinskyi, L'udmila Dulebová, Lenka Markovičovà. [W]: VII International Scientific-Technical Conference "Advance in Petroleum and Gas Industry and Petrochemistry", Lviv, May 19-24, 2014 : book of abstracts.- 2014, s. 163-163
2. Effect of nature and amount of polypropylene composite filler on the productiyity of extruder with the cylinder equipped with grooyes / Janusz Sikora, Volodymyr Krasinskiy, Volodymyr Moravskyi, Olech Suberlak. [W]: Technological and design aspects of extrusion and injection moulding of thermoplastic polymer composites and nanocomposites. Vol. 2.- 2014, s. 133-142
3. Heat-resistant coatings on the basis of phenol-formaldehyde compositions / Tomasz Garbacz, Ivan Gajdoš, Volodymyr Krasinskyi, Emil Spišák. [W]: Surface Engineering 2014 - International Scientific Conference, High Tatras 23 -24. 10. 2014 : [book of abstracts].- 2014, s. 39-39
4. Modernization of technological line for cellular extrusion process / Tomasz Garbacz, L'udmila Dulebová, Volodymyr Krasinskyi, Lenka Markovičovà. [W]: PRO-TECH-MA 2014 - Progressive Technologies and Materials in Mechanical Engineering, 4-6 czerwca 2014 : [streszczenia referatów].- 2014, s. 9-9
5. The influence of modifying HDPE on properties of the surface of HDPE extrusion product / Tomasz Garbacz, Volodymyr Krasinskyi, L'udmila Dulebová, Branislav Duleba. [W]: Surface Engineering 2014 - International Scientific Conference, High Tatras 23 -24. 10. 2014 : [book of abstracts].- 2014, s. 19-19
6. The investigation of the influence of pro-degradant content on chosen properties of polymer composite / Tomasz Jachowicz, Ivan Gajdoš, Volodymyr Krasinskiy. [W]: Technological and design aspects of extrusion and injection moulding of thermoplastic polymer composites and nanocomposites. Vol. 2.- 2014, s. 53-77
7. Vpliv malih dodatki montmorilonitu na fizyko-mehanični vlastivosti kompozitiv na osnovi polipropilenu / Tomasz Jachowicz, Tomasz Garbacz, Volodymyr Krasinskyi. [W]: VII International Scientific-Technical Conference "Advance in Petroleum and Gas Industry and Petrochemistry", Lviv, May 19-24, 2014 : book of abstracts.- 2014, s. 181-181
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