Fragmenty książek z 2022 (1)
1. Efficiency Assessment Functioning of Vibration Machines for Biomass Processing / Natalia R. Veselovska, Sergey A. Shargorodsky, Larysa E. Nykyforova, Zbigniew Omiotek, Imanbek Baglan, Mergul Kozhamberdiyeva. [W]: Biomass as Raw Material for the Production of Biofuels and Chemicals.- 2022, s. 53-60 [MNiSW: 50]
Fragmenty książek z 2021 (1)
1. Analysis of the character of change of the profilogram of micro profile of the processed surface / N. Veselovska, S. Shargorodsky, V. Rutkevych, R. Iskovych-Lototsky, Z. Omiotek, O. Mamyrbaev, U. Zhunissova. [W]: Mechatronic Systems 2 : Applications in Material Handling Processes and Robotics.- 2021, s. 165-174 [MNiSW: 50]
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