dr hab. inż. Marek Borowiec, prof. uczelni
inżynieria mechaniczna
Fragmenty książek z 2024 (2)
Fragmenty książek z 2023 (1)
Fragmenty książek z 2022 (2)
Fragmenty książek z 2021 (3)
1. Badanie wpływu kondycjonowania kompozytów polimerowych na ich właściwości dynamiczne / Marek Borowiec, Ewelina Kosicka. [W]: XVIII Krajowa Konferencja Mechaniki Pękania : abstrakty.- 2021, s. 61-63
2. Influence of Composite Ply Sequence on Nonlinear Dynamics of a Hinged Beam Structure: numeric vs experimental investigation / Borowiec Marek, Kłoda Łukasz, Bocheński Marcin. [W]: MECHCOMP7 - 7th International Conference on Mechanics of Composites : Book of Abstracts.- 2021, s. 20-21
3. Influence of the excitation direction on the dynamics of the laminated beam with symmetrical or anti-symmetrical layers arrangement / Bocheński Marcin, Borowiec Marek, Gawryluk Jarosław, Teter Andrzej. [W]: MECHCOMP7 - 7th International Conference on Mechanics of Composites : Book of Abstracts.- 2021, s. 20-20
Fragmenty książek z 2019 (2)
Fragmenty książek z 2018 (1)
Fragmenty książek z 2017 (1)
1. Study of dynamics and efficiency of hybrid power harvesting system from mechanical vibrations / Andrzej Rysak, Arkadiusz Syta, Marek Borowiec. [W]: 10th International Conference New Electrical and Electronic Technologies and their Industrial Implementation (NEET 2017), 27-30 June 2017, Zakopane : [book of abstrcts].- 2017, s. 67-67
Fragmenty książek z 2016 (4)
1. Analysis of the macro fiber composite characteristics for energy harvesting efficiency / Marek Borowiec, Marcin Bocheński, Jarosław Gawryluk, Michał Augustyniak. [W]: Dynamical systems : theoretical and experimental analysis.- 2016, s. 27-37
2. Energy harvester of a cantilever beam model, based on giant megnetostrictive material / Marek Borowiec. [W]: 11th Energy Harvesting Workshop, 6-7 September, 2016, Arlington, Virginia, USA [abstracts book].- 2016, s. 29-29
Fragmenty książek z 2015 (4)
1. Analysis of the macro fiber composite characteristics for energy harvesting efficiency / Marek Borowiec, Marcin Bocheński, Jarosław Gawryluk, Michał Augustyniak. [W]: 13th International Conference Dynamical Systems - Theory and Applications, December 7-10, 2015. Lodz, Poland : abstracts.- 2015, s. 73-73
2. Estimation of the machining stability in a milling process by the composite multiscale entropy approach / Marek Borowiec, Rafał Rusinek. [W]: CHAOS 2015 - 8th Chaotic Modeling and Simulation International Conference, 26-29 May 2015, Paris, France : [book of abstracts].- 2015, s. 21-22
3. Multiple solutions and corresponding power output of nonlinear piezoelectric energy harvester / Arkadiusz Syta, Grzegorz Litak, Michael I. Friswell, Marek Borowiec. [W]: 13th International Conference Dynamical Systems - Theory and Applications, December 7-10, 2015. Lodz, Poland : abstracts.- 2015, s. 274-274
4. Optimization of the MFC – composite beam energy harvester / Marek Borowiec, Marcin Bocheński, Michał Augustyniak. [W]: 9th International Conference "New Electrical and Electronic Technologies and their Industrial Implementation", NEET 2015, Zakopane, Poland, June 23 – 26, 2015 : [book of abstrcts].- 2015, s. 33-33
Fragmenty książek z 2014 (1)
Fragmenty książek z 2013 (3)
1. Energy harvesting in a beam system with an additional moving mass / Andrzej Rysak, Michael Scheffler, Joachim Gier, Marek Borowiec, Grzegorz Litak. [W]: Dynamical systems : applications.- 2013, s. 741-750
2. Energy harvesting in a beam system with impacts: experimental studies / Andrzej Rysak, Michael Müller, Marek Borowiec, Jarosław Zubrzycki, Grzegorz Litak. [W]: Dynamical systems : applications.- 2013, s. 507-512
3. Stochastic coherence resonance in a bistable system with fractional damping / Marek Borowiec, Grzegorz Litak. [W]: Dynamical systems : theory.- 2013, s. 329-342
Fragmenty książek z 2011 (2)
1. Energy harvesting by two magnetopiezoelastic oscillators / Grzegorz Litak, Michael I. Friswell, C. A. Kitio Kwuimy, Adhikari Sondipon, Marek Borowiec. [W]: Dynamical systems : analytical / numerical methods, stability, bifurcation and chaos.- 2011, s. 173-178
2. On the performance of piezoelectric energy harvesting driven by air flow / Grzegorz Litak, Marek Borowiec, C. A. Kitio Kwuimy, C. Nataraj. [W]: Dynamical systems : nonlinear dynamics and control.- 2011, s. 311-316
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