Alla P. Vinnichuk
Zewnętrzne identyfikatory
WoS ResearcherID | BRAK |
Scopus ID | BRAK |
Historia zatrudnienia
Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University, Vinnytsia, Ukraine | zatrudniony do dnia dzisiejszego |
Trzy ostatnio wprowadzone fragmenty książek autora (2)
Increasing the Efficiency of Municipal Solid Waste Pre-processing Technology to Reduce Its Water Permeability / O. V. Bereziuk, M. S. Lemeshev, Volodymyr V. Bogachuk, Roman B. Akselrod, Alla P. Vinnichuk, Andrzej Smolarz, Mukaddas Arshidinova, and Olena Kulakova. [W]: Biomass as Raw Material for the Production of Biofuels and Chemicals.- 2022, s. 33-42 [MNiSW: 50]
Predicting Volume and Composition of Municipal Solid Waste Based on ANN and ANFIS Methods and Correlation-Regression Analysis / Igor N. Dudar, Olha V. Yavorovska, Sergii M. Zlepko, Alla P. Vinnichuk, Piotr Kisała, Aigul Shortanbayeva, Gauhar Borankulova. [W]: Biomass as Raw Material for the Production of Biofuels and Chemicals.- 2022, s. 13-24 [MNiSW: 50]
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