Fragmenty książek z 2015 (3)
1. Construction modifications of plastic molded parts for enhancement of quality / Branislav Duleba, Bronisław Samujło, Oleh Suberlyak. [W]: Technological and design aspects of extrusion and injection moulding of thermoplastic polymer composites and nanocomposites. Vol. 3.- 2015, s. 168-180
Fragmenty książek z 2014 (5)
1. A new generation of polyolefin-based luminaire / Janusz Sikora, Volodymyr Moravskyi, Branislav Duleba, Joanna Sikora. [W]: VII International Scientific-Technical Conference "Advance in Petroleum and Gas Industry and Petrochemistry", Lviv, May 19-24, 2014 : book of abstracts.- 2014, s. 161-161
2. Influence of extrusion conditions on efficiency and quality of processed polymer blends / Tomasz Garbacz, Branislav Duleba, Volodymyr Moravskyi. [W]: Technological and design aspects of extrusion and injection moulding of thermoplastic polymer composites and nanocomposites. Vol. 2.- 2014, s. 109-121
3. Possibility of increasing the mechanical strenght of carbon/epoxy composites by addition of carbon nanotubes / Tomasz Jachowicz, L'udmila Dulebová, Branislav Duleba, František Greškovič. [W]: Surface Engineering 2014 - International Scientific Conference, High Tatras 23 -24. 10. 2014 : [book of abstracts].- 2014, s. 18-19
4. Prediction and yerification of compatibility of MMT nanofiller in PA6 matrix / Branislav Duleba, Emil Spišák, Janusz Sikora, L'udmila Dulebová. [W]: Zbornik 9. Medzinárodnej Vedecko – Technickej Konferencie: Materiál v Inžinierskej Praxi2014, 12. -13. jún 2014, Herlany, Slovensko : [książka stresczeń].- 2014, s. 13-13
5. The influence of modifying HDPE on properties of the surface of HDPE extrusion product / Tomasz Garbacz, Volodymyr Krasinskyi, L'udmila Dulebová, Branislav Duleba. [W]: Surface Engineering 2014 - International Scientific Conference, High Tatras 23 -24. 10. 2014 : [book of abstracts].- 2014, s. 19-19
Fragmenty książek z 2013 (1)
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