Artykuły z 2023 (2)
1. Assessment of the Specimen Size Effect on the Fracture Energy of Macro-Synthetic-Fiber-Reinforced Concrete / Mohammad Daneshfar, Abolfazl Hassani, Mohammad Reza Mohammad Aliha andTomasz Sadowski // Materials.- 2023, vol. 16, nr 2, s. 1-13 [MNiSW: 140]
2. Experimental Model for Study of Thickness Effect on Flexural Fatigue Life of Macro-Synthetic-Fiber-Reinforced Concretes / Mohammad Daneshfar, Abolfazl Hassani, Mohammad Reza Mohammad Aliha, Tomasz Sadowski, Arastoo Karimi // Buildings.- 2023, vol. 13, nr 3, s. 1-15 [MNiSW: 70]
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