Artykuły z 2023 (2)
1. Coefficient Bounds for Some Families of Bi-Univalent Functions with Missing Coefficients / Ebrahim Analouei Adegani, Mostafa Jafari, Teodor Bulboacă and Paweł Zaprawa // Axioms.- 2023, vol. 12, nr 12, s. 1-14 [MNiSW: 20]
2. Solution of logarithmic coefficients conjectures for some classes of convex functions / Ebrahim Analouei Adegani, Teodor Bulboacă, Nafya Hameed Mohammed and Paweł Zaprawa // Mathematica Slovaca.- 2023, vol. 73, nr 1, s. 79-88 [MNiSW: 40]
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