dr inż. Agata Czarnigowska
inżynieria lądowa, geodezja i transport
Inne materiały z 2015 (2)
1. Assessing construction supply chains: search for the best configuration / Piotr Jaśkowski, Anna Sobotka, Agata Czarnigowska. [W]: 6th International Conference on Engineering, Project, and Production Management (EPPM 2015) , 2-4 September 2015, Queensland Australia,
2. Aviation regulations and project management: developing a new system for an aircraft piston engine / Jacek Czarnigowski, Agata Czarnigowska. [W]: 6th International Conference on Engineering, Project, and Production Management (EPPM 2015) , 2-4 September 2015, Queensland Australia,
Inne materiały z 2014 (1)
1. Selecting material supply channels for construction projects: a decision model / Piotr Jaśkowski, Anna Sobotka, Agata Czarnigowska. [W]: International Scientific Conference : People, Buildings and Environment 2014 (PBE2014) , 15-17 October 2014, Kroměříž, Czech Republic,
Inne materiały z 2012 (4)
1. Aggregateu supply decision model for roadworks / Anna Sobotka, Piotr Jaśkowski, Agata Czarnigowska, Daniel Wałach. [W]: CC2012 Creative Construction Conference, June 30-July 3, 2012, Budapest, Hungary,
2. Supply chain of a highway repaving project – case study of A2 / Zbigniew Tokarski, Anna Sobotka, Dorota Pawluś, Agata Czarnigowska. [W]: CC2012 Creative Construction Conference, June 30-July 3, 2012, Budapest, Hungary,
3. Survey on Projects Supply Chain in Polish Road Construction / Anna Sobotka, Daniel Wałach, Dorota Pawluś, Agata Czarnigowska. [W]: CC2012 Creative Construction Conference, June 30-July 3, 2012, Budapest, Hungary,
4. Time-cost relationship for predicting construction duration / Agata Czarnigowska, Anna Sobotka. [W]: EPPM 2012, 3rd International Conference on Engineering, Project and Production Management, 10-11 September 2012, Brighton, United Kingdom,
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