dr inż. Adam Cezary Piotrowicz
inżynieria środowiska, górnictwo i energetyka
Inne materiały z 2019 (3)
1. Estimation of particle number and mass doses inhaled in a busy street in Lublin, Poland / Bernard Połednik, Adam Piotrowicz, Łukasz Guz, Marzenna Dudzińska. [W]: International Conference on Aerosol Science and Technology ICAST 2019, Prague, 5 września 2019 - 6 września 2019
2. Exposure to traffic-related pollution on a road in Lublin, Poland / Bernard Połednik, Marzenna Dudzińska, Alicja Siuta-Olcha, Adam Piotrowicz, Łukasz Guz, Amelia Staszowska. [W]: ISES ISIAQ 2019 : Joint Meeting of the International Society of Exposure Science and the International Society of Indoor Air Quality and Climate : program, Kaunas, 18 sierpnia 2019 - 22 sierpnia 2019
3. Outdoor and indoor air quality in schools in rural eastern Poland / Bernard Połednik, Sławomira Dumała, Adam Piotrowicz, Łukasz Guz, Alicja Siuta-Olcha, Marzenna Dudzińska. [W]: ISES ISIAQ 2019 : Joint Meeting of the International Society of Exposure Science and the International Society of Indoor Air Quality and Climate : program, Kaunas, 18 sierpnia 2019 - 22 sierpnia 2019
Inne materiały z 2018 (4)
1. Exposure to particles and microorganisms in a dental office / Bernard Połednik, Adam Piotrowicz, Łukasz Guz, Marzenna Dudzińska. [W]: 15th Conference of the International Society of Indoor Air Quality & Climate (ISIAQ), Philadelphia, 22 lipca 2018 - 27 lipca 2018
2. Influence of firework-related emissions on the indoor air particle concentration / Adam Piotrowicz, Bernard Połednik, Łukasz Guz, Marzenna Dudzińska. [W]: 5th Working & Indoor Aerosols Conference, Cassino, 18 kwietnia 2018 - 20 kwietnia 2018
3. Particle and PAH emissions from indoor candle lanterns / Adam Piotrowicz, Bernard Połednik, Marek Mardarowicz, Paweł Golianek, Marzenna Dudzińska. [W]: 15th Conference of the International Society of Indoor Air Quality & Climate (ISIAQ), Philadelphia, 22 lipca 2018 - 27 lipca 2018
4. Traffic-related fine and ultrafine particle emissions and exposure for professional drivers and pedestrian workforce / Bernard Połednik, Adam Piotrowicz, Łukasz Guz, Marzenna Dudzińska. [W]: 5th Working & Indoor Aerosols Conference, 18-20.04.2018, Cassino, Włochy,
Inne materiały z 2017 (1)
1. Particles and organic compounds emitted while burning candle lanterns / Bernard Połednik, Marek Mardarowicz, Paweł Golianek, Adam Piotrowicz, Marzenna Dudzińska. [W]: Healthy Buildings Europe 2017, 02 - 05.07.2017, Lublin.,
Inne materiały z 2015 (3)
1. Modelling of different aeration modes influencing processes in SBR bioreactor / Katarzyna Jaromin-Gleń, Adam Piotrowicz, Jakub Drewnowski, Grzegorz Łagód. [W]: 7th Eastern European Young Water Professionals Conference IWA, 17-19 September 2015, Belgrade, Serbia,
2. The experimental evaluation and modeling of SBR removing nutrients under varied aeration conditions / Katarzyna Jaromin-Gleń, Adam Piotrowicz, Jakub Drewnowski, Grzegorz Łagód. [W]: IWA Specialist Conference on Nutrient Remowal and Recovery : Moving Innovation into Practice, 18-21 May 2015, Gdańsk : program and abstracts,
3. The experimental evaluation and modeling of SBR removing nutrients under varied aeration conditions / Katarzyna Jaromin-Gleń, Adam Piotrowicz, Jakub Drewnowski, Grzegorz Łagód. [W]: IWA Specialist Conference on Nutrient Remowal and Recovery : Moving Innovation into Practice, 18-21 May 2015, Gdańsk : program and abstracts,
Inne materiały z 2014 (1)
1. Application of low-temperature plasma for treatment of off-gases from bitumen production / Adam Piotrowicz, Krzysztof Jahołkowski, Janusz Ozonek. [W]: 8th International Conference ELMECO-8 " Electromagnetic Devices and Processes in Environment Protection " joint with 11th Seminar AoS-11 "Applications of Superconductors", September 28-October 1, Nałęczów, 2014,
Inne materiały z 2012 (1)
1. Application of ozone and low temperature plasma environment to reduction of selected carcinogenic compounds in asphalt industry off-gases / Janusz Ozonek, Krzysztof Jahołkowski, Jacek Czerwiński, Adam Piotrowicz. [W]: International Congress on Environmental Health (ICEH 2012), 29 May 1 June 2012, Lisbon, Portugal,
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