1. Dependencies of grain structure formation in dielectric materials based on solid state solutions BaхSr1-х(R0,5Nb0,5)O3 with R = Ho, Er, Tm, Yb and Lu / Liudmila A. Bliznyuk, Aliaksei A. Klimza, Vera V. Fedotova, Czesław Karwat // Przegląd Elektrotechniczny.- 2012, vol. 88, nr 11b, s. 301-303
2. Dielektryczne materiały z kompleksem ze strukturą perowskit dla systemów łączności radiowej / Ludmila A. Bliznyuk, Aleksander P. Ges, Aleksy A. Klimza, Vera V. Fedotova, Janusz Partyka // Przegląd Elektrotechniczny.- 2010, vol. 86, nr 7, s. 205-207
3. Electric properties of composite ZnO-based ceramics doped with Fe / A.S. Fedotov, A. V. Pashkevich, L. A. Bliznyuk, J. V. Kasiuk, A. K. Fedotov, N. Basov, I. Svito, M. Budzyński, M. Wierteł, Paweł Żukowski // Przegląd Elektrotechniczny.- 2018, vol. 94, nr 3, s. 197-199 [MNiSW: 14]
4. Formation of crystal structure in dielectric BaAl2Si2O8-based materials depending on preparation conditions / Liudmila A. Bliznyuk, A. A Klimza, T. P. Petrochenko, V. V. Fedotova, Czesław Karwat // Acta Physica Polonica A.- 2014, vol. 125, nr 6, s. 1348-1350 [MNiSW: 15]
5. Structure, electric and thermoelectric properties of binary ZnO-based ceramics doped with Fe and Co / A. V. Pashkevich, A. K. Fedotov, E. N. Poddenezhny, L. A. Bliznyuk, J. A. Fedotova, N. A. Basov, A. A. Kharchanka, P. Żukowski, T. N. Kołtunowicz, O. V. Korolik, V. V. Fedotova // Journal of Alloys and Compounds.- 2022, vol. 895, nr Pt 2, s. 1-17 [MNiSW: 100]
Fragmenty książek
1. Electric properties of composite Zno-based ceramics doped with Fe / A. S. Fedotov, A. Pashkevich, L. A. Bliznyuk, J. V. Kasiuk, Aleksander K. Fedotov, N. Basov, I. Svito, M. Budzyński, Marek Wiertel, Paweł Żukowski. [W]: 10th International Conference New Electrical and Electronic Technologies and their Industrial Implementation (NEET 2017), 27-30 June 2017, Zakopane : [book of abstrcts].- 2017, s. 89-89
Inne materiały
1. Dependencies of grain structure formation in dielectric materials based on solid state solutions BaхSr1-х(R0.5Nb0.5)O3 with R = Ho, Er, Tm, Yb and Lu / Liudmila A. Bliznyuk, Aliaksei A. Klimza, Vera V. Fedotova, Czesław Karwat. [W]: 7th International Conference New Electrical and Electronic Technologies and their Industrial Implementation Zakopane, Poland, June 28 – July 1, 2011, Zakopane
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