1. Elemental composition, topography and wettability of PbxSn1 - xS thin film / Igor Tashlykov, Anton Turavets, Valery F. Gremenok, Paweł Żukowski // Acta Physica Polonica A.- 2014, vol. 125, nr 6, s. 1339-1343 [MNiSW: 15]
2. Surface composition of CIS compound affected by Xe + Irradiation / Igor Tashlykov, Paweł Żukowski, D.A. Silvanovich, Valery F. Gremenok // Acta Physica Polonica A.- 2015, vol. 128, nr 5, s. 927-930 [MNiSW: 15]
3. The elemental composition, topography and wettability of Pb 0.25 Sn 1.75 S 2 thin films / Igor Tashlykov, Anton Turavets, Valery F. Gremenok, Paweł Żukowski // Przegląd Elektrotechniczny.- 2013, vol. 89, nr 3b, s. 285-287 [MNiSW: 10]
Fragmenty książek
1. The elemental composition, topography and wettability of PbxSn1-xS thin films / Paweł Żukowski, Valery F.Gremenok, Igor Tashlykov, AAnton Turavets. [W]: 8th International Conference "New Electrical and Electronic Technologies and their Industrial Implementation"NEET 2013, Zakopane, Poland, June 18-21, 2013 :[book of abstrcts].- 2013, s. 100-100
Inne materiały
1. Influence of Xe+ irradiation on surface composition of CuInSe2 crystals / Paweł Żukowski, Valery F. Gremenok, D.A. Silvanovich, Igor S. Tashlykov. [W]: IX International Conference on Ion Implantation and Other Applications of Ions and Electrons, 25-28 June, 2012, Kazimierz Dolny,
2. The elemental composition, topography and wettability of Pb0.25Sn1.75S2 thin films / Igor S. Tashlykov, Anton I. Turavets, Valery F. Gremenok, Paweł Żukowski. [W]: 7th International Conference New Electrical and Electronic Technologies and their Industrial Implementation Zakopane, Poland, June 28 – July 1, 2011,
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