dr hab. Halina Rarot, prof. uczelni
Inne materiały z 2017 (1)
1. Gumanìzacìâ tehničnogo naučannâ âk aktualʹna problema vivčennâ filozofii v viŝih tehnìčnih zakladah / Halina Rarot. [W]: IV Mìžnarodna Naukovo-Praktična Konferenciâ „Innovacìï u Viŝìj Školì: Problemi ta Perpektivi v Osvìtì ì Naucì" : [program], Kremenec, 17 maja 2017 - 19 maja 2017
Inne materiały z 2014 (1)
1. The common wealth of the global world / Halina Rarot. [W]: Partnership for Prosperity : Materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Republic of Belarus - European Union: problems and perspectives of partnership" 13-14 june 2013, Belarus, Minsk,
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