Artykuły z 2016 (2)
1. Computeranalysis of electromotoric swivel walker movement / Jozef Varga, Mikulas Hajduk, Antoni Świć // Applied Computer Science.- 2016, vol. 12, nr 4, s. 88-95 [MNiSW: 11]
2. Modelling of characteristics of turning of shafts with low rigidity / Antoni Świć, Arkadiusz Gola, Mikulas Hajduk // Applied Computer Science.- 2016, vol. 12, nr 3, s. 61-73 [MNiSW: 11]
Artykuły z 2014 (1)
1. A predictive model of multi-stage production planning for fixed time orders / Edward Kozłowski, Walter Terkaj, Arkadiusz Gola, Mikulas Hajduk, Antoni Świć // Management and Production Engineering Review.- 2014, vol. 5, nr 3, s. 23-32 [MNiSW: 8]
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