Fragmenty książek
1. Ciliated protozoa in the impact zone of the Uzhgorod treatment plant / Volodimir Pliashechnik, Yaroslav Danko, Grzegorz Łagód, Jakub Drewnowski, Roman Babko. [W]: Water, Wastewater and Energy in Smart Cities, 12-13 September 2017, Cracow, Poland : book of abstracts.- 2017, s. 163-164
2. Comparative analysis of ciliate assemblages in activated sludge of Bardenpho and classic Aerotank technology / Tatyana Kuzmina, Y. Danko, Grzegorz Łagód, Volodimir Pliashechnik, Małgorzata Iwanek, Roman Babko. [W]: Central European Conference ECOpole'16, 5-8.10.2016, Zakopane, Poland : [book of abstracts].- 2016, s. -
3. Vpliv stokìv z komunal′noї očisnoї sporudi na strukturu asambleї vìjčastih najprostìšìh (Ciliata) / Volodimir Pliashechnik, Tatyana Kuzmina, Y. Danko, Grzegorz Łagód, Roman Babko. [W]: V International Scientific and Technical Conference, "Pure Water. Fundamental, Applied and Industrial Aspects", 26-27 October 2017, Kyiv, Ukraine : [book of abstracts].- 2017, s. 176-177
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