Artykuły z 2020 (1)
1. Self‐rated health in mothers of children hospitalised for severe illnesses and mothers of healthy children: cross‐sectional study / Anna Aftyka, Wojciech Rosa, Jolanta Taczała // Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences.- 2020, vol. 34, nr 3, s. 698-709 [MNiSW: 70]
Artykuły z 2017 (2)
1. Post-traumatic growth in parents after infants' neonatal intensive care unit hospitalisation / Anna Aftyka, Ilona Rozalska-Walaszek, Wojciech Rosa, Beata Rybojad, Hanna Karakuła-Juchnowicz // Journal of Clinical Nursing.- 2017, vol. 26, nr 5-6, s. 727-734 [MNiSW: 40]
2. Risk factors for the development of post-traumatic stress disorder and coping strategies in mothers and fathers following infant hospitalisation in the neonatal intensive care unit / Anna Aftyka, Beata Rybojad, Wojciech Rosa, Aleksandra Wróbel, Hanna Karakuła-Juchnowicz // Journal of Clinical Nursing.- 2017, vol. 26, nr 23-24, s. 4436-4445 [MNiSW: 40]
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