Fragmenty książek z 2023 (2)
1. Boundaries of the social and the planetary: new approaches to management in the 21st Century / Agnieszka Rzepka, Zbigniew Olesiński, Ryszard Borowiecki. [W]: Innovation in the Digital Economy : New Approaches to Management for Industry 5.0.- 2023, s. 1-11 [MNiSW: 75]
2. Open innovation and virtualization / Magdalena Czerwińska, Tomasz Kusio, Ryszard Borowiecki. [W]: Innovation in the Digital Economy : New Approaches to Management for Industry 5.0.- 2023, s. 27-37 [MNiSW: 75]
Fragmenty książek z 2022 (2)
1. Concept of Teal Organizations in View of Economy 4.0 and Integral Theory / Agnieszka Rzepka, Ryszard Borowiecki, Zbigniew Olesiński. [W]: Self-Management, Entrepreneurial Culture, and Economy 4.0 : a Contemporary Approach to Organizational Theory Development.- 2022, s. 3-15 [MNiSW: 75]
2. Evolution of Organization Management in Light of Economy 4.0 Challenges / Ryszard Borowiecki, Zbigniew Olesiński and Agnieszka Rzepka. [W]: Industry 4.0 : a Glocal Perspective.- 2022, s. 1-15 [MNiSW: 75]
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