Redakcja ksiażek (3)
Discontinuity and complexity in nonlinear physical systems. Vol. 6 / J. A. Tenreiro Machado, Dumitru Baleanu, Albert C. J. Luo.- Heidelberg : Springer, 2014.- 433 s.- ISBN 978-3-319-01410-4
Handbook of Fractional Calculus with Applications. Vol. 8, Applications in Engineering, Life and Social Sciences, Pt B / eds.: Dumitru Baleanu, António Mendes Lopes.- Berlin ; Boston : Walter de Gruyter GmbH, 2019.- 284 s.- ISBN 978-3-11-057092-2 [MNiSW: 20]
Mathematical methods in engineering : applications in dynamics of complex systems / eds.: Tas, Kenan, Baleanu, Dumitru, Machado, J. A. Tenreiro.- Cham : Springer, 2019.- 264 s.- ISBN 978-3-319-90971-4, .- ISBN 978-3-319-90972-1 [MNiSW: 20]
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