1. Heavy minerals from the variegated shales member of the skole unit (Polish Flysch Carpathians) / Wojciech Franus, Maciej Manecki, Tomasz Sapota // Acta Mineralogica-Petrographica.- 2000, nr 41 Suppl., s. 42-42
2. Occurrence of rancieite in the Polish Flysch Carpatians / Wojciech Franus, Maciej Manecki, Tadeusz Wieser // Acta Mineralogica-Petrographica.- 2000, nr 41 Suppl., s. 43-43
3. Potential use clinoptilolite-smectite claystones from the Outer Flysch Carpatians (Poland) for remediation / Wojciech Franus, Tomasz Bajda, Maciej Manecki // Acta Mineralogica-Petrographica.- 2000, nr 41 Suppl. B., s. 26-26
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