1. Features of Measuring the Hardness of a Metal Surface Modified with Ultrafine Particles of Minerals / A. V. Skazochkin, G. G. Bondarenko, P. Żukowski // Pribory i metody izmerenij = Devices and methods of measurements.- 2020, vol. 11, nr 3, s. 212-221 [MNiSW: 20]
2. Influence of annealing on the chemical composition of nanocomposites with the ferromagnetic grains in the CaF2 dielectric matrix / Paweł Żukowski, Vitalii Bondariev,Tomasz N.Kołtunowicz,Gennady Bondarenko // Thermochimica Acta.- 2019, vol. 676, s. 224-233 [MNiSW: 100]
3. Modeling of an impact of thin insulating film on the electrode surface on discharge ignition in mercury illuminating lamps at low ambient temperatures / G.G. Bondarenko, M.R. Fisher, V.I. Kristya, P. Żukowski // Pribory i metody izmerenij = Devices and methods of measurements.- 2019, vol. 10, nr 1, s. 7-13 [MNiSW: 20]
4. Research of Surface Wear Resistance of Aluminum Alloy Modified with Minerals using Sclerometry Method / A. V. Skazochkin, G. G. Bondarenko, P. Żukowski // Pribory i metody izmerenij = Devices and methods of measurements.- 2019, vol. 10, nr 3, s. 263-270 [MNiSW: 20]
5. The influence of nitrogen pressure on the fabrication of the two-phase superhard nanocomposite (TiZrNbAlYCr)N coatings / A. D. Pogrebnjak, V. M. Beresnev, K. V. Smyrnova, Ya. O. Kravchenko, P. V. Żukowski, G. G. Bondarenko // Materials Letters.- 2018, vol. 211, s. 316-318 [MNiSW: 35]
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