1. Comparison of the Classification Results Accuracy for CT Soft Tissue and Bone Reconstructions in Detecting the Porosity of a Spongy Tissue / Róża Dzierżak, Zbigniew Omiotek, Ewaryst Tkacz and Sebastian Uhlig // Journal of Clinical Medicine.- 2022, vol. 11, nr 15, s. 1-11 [MNiSW: 140]
Fragmenty książek
1. The Influence of the Normalisation of Spinal CT Images on the Significance of Textural Features in the Identification of Defects in the Spongy Tissue Structure / Róża Dzierżak, Zbigniew Omiotek, Ewaryst Tkacz, Andrzej Kępa. [W]: Innovations in Biomedical Engineering.- 2019, s. 55-66 [MNiSW: 20]
1. Innovations in Biomedical Engineering / eds.: E. Tkacz, M.Gzik, Z. Paszenda, E. Pietka.- [B. m.] : Springer, 2019.- 340 s.- ISBN 978-3-030-15471-4, .- ISBN 978-3-030-15472-1 [MNiSW: 20]
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