Redakcja ksiażek (3)
4th International Conference on Education, Social Sciences and Humanities (SOCIOINT 2017) [WOS] / ed. by F. Uslu.- Istambuł : International Organization Center of Academic Research, 2017.- online resour. s.- ISBN 978-605-82433-1-6
ADVED 2016: 2nd International Conference on Advances in Education and Social Science [WOS] / F. Uslu.- Istanbul : International Organization Center of Academic Research, 2016.- ? s.- ISBN 978-605-64453-8-5
SOCIOINT 2018 - 5th International Conference on Education, Social Sciences and Humanities, Abstracts & Proceedings / ed. by Ferit Uslu.- Istambul : Ocerint Publihing, 2018.- 811 s.- ISBN 978-605-82433-3-0
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