Fragmenty książek z 2021 (2)
1. Modeling the Process of Determination of the Instantaneous Error of the Thermocouple During Operation / Wei Siwei, Orest Kochan, Krzysztof Przystupa, Mykola Beshley, Jun Su, Mariana Levkiv, Viktor Kuts, Iryna Petrovska. [W]: MEASUREMENT 2021 : proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Measurement : online.- 2021, s. 203-206 [MNiSW: 5]
2. Modeling the Process of Testing the State of Thermocouple Legs During Operation / Orest Kochan, Jiwei Hu, Jun Su, Krzysztof Przystupa, Mykola Beshley, Ivan Demydov, Mariana Levkiv, Ihor Likhnovskyi, Pavlo Hamula. [W]: MEASUREMENT 2021 : proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Measurement : online.- 2021, s. 75-78 [MNiSW: 5]
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