1. Functionalization of Zeolite NaP1 for Simultaneous Acid Red 18 and Cu(II) Removal / Tomasz Bień, Dorota Kołodyńska and Wojciech Franus // Materials.- 2021, vol. 14, nr 24, s. 1-18 [MNiSW: 140]
2. Influence of the fly ash fraction after grinding process on the hydrothermal synthesis efficiency of Na-A, Na-P1, Na-X and sodalite zeolite types / Piotr Kunecki, Rafał Panek, Magdalena Wdowin, Tomasz Bień, Wojciech Franus // International Journal of Coal Science & Technology.- 2021, vol. 8, nr 2, s. 291-311 [MNiSW: 100]
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