Fragmenty książek z 2019 (4)
1. Information model for forecasting of violation reparative osteogenesis of long bonds / Yurii O. Bezsmertnyi, Sergii V. Pavlov, Stanislav Yu. Iaremyn, Halyna V. Bezsmertna, Natalia L. Chernyaschuk, Ivan A. Krivoruchko, Andrzej Kociubiński, Yedilkhan Amirgaliyev. [W]: Photonics Applications in Astronomy, Communications, Industry, and High-Energy Physics Experiments 2019.- 2019, s. 678-685 [MNiSW: 20]
2. Information model of individual rehabilitation program efficacy in disabled persons with cardiovascular diseases / Yurii O. Bezsmertnyi, Viktor I. Shevchuk, Iryna V. Kurylenko, Halyna V. Bezsmertna, Sergii M. Zlepko, Tetiana I. Kozlovska, Olena Yu. Teplova, Zbigniew Omiotek, Aigul Syzdykpayeva. [W]: Photonics Applications in Astronomy, Communications, Industry, and High-Energy Physics Experiments 2019.- 2019, s. 704-711 [MNiSW: 20]
3. Optoelectronic plethysmography method for evaluation of peripheral blood circulation / Y.O. Bezsmertnyi, H.V. Bezsmertna, A.S. Barylo, V.S. Pavlov, T.I. Kozlovska, A.M. Korobov, D. Harasim, D. Nuradilova. [W]: Information Technology in Medical Diagnostics II : proceedings of the International Scientific Internet Conference “Computer Graphics and Image Processing" and the XLVIIIth International Scientific and Practical Conference “Application of Lasers in Medicine and Biology".- 2019, s. 173-179 [MNiSW: 20]
4. Prognosis of efficacy of medical and social rehabilitation in disabled individuals with respiratory diseases / Yurii O. Bezsmertnyi, Viktor I. Shevchuk, Sergii V. Pavlov, Sergii M. Zlepko, Iryna V. Kurylenko, Halyna Bezsmertna, Marcin Maciejewski, Alina Bugubayeva. [W]: Photonics Applications in Astronomy, Communications, Industry, and High-Energy Physics Experiments 2019.- 2019, s. 912-917 [MNiSW: 20]
Fragmenty książek z 2018 (2)
1. Information model for the evaluation of the efficiency of osteoplasty performing in case of amputations on below knee / Yurii O. Bezsmertnyi, Viktor I. Shevchuk, Olexander V. Grushko, Sergii V. Tymchyk, Halyna V. Bezsmertna, Róża Dzierżak, Khassen Dassibekov. [W]: Photonics Applications in Astronomy, Communications, Industry, and High-Energy Physics Experiments 2018.- 2018, s. 1063-1070 [MNiSW: 15]
2. Multispectral measurement of parameters of particles in heterogeneous biological media / Halyna Bezsmertna, Sergey Kvaternyuk, Olena Kvaternyuk, Vasil Petruk, Paweł Komada, Akmaral Tleshova. [W]: Photonics Applications in Astronomy, Communications, Industry, and High-Energy Physics Experiments 2018.- 2018, s. 1084-1091 [MNiSW: 15]
Fragmenty książek z 2017 (2)
1. Diagnosis abnormalities of limb movement in disorders of the nervous system / Gregory S. Tymchik, Volodymyr I. Skytsiouk, Tatiana R. Klotchko, Halyna V. Bezsmertna, Waldemar Wójcik, Saule Luganskaya, Zhassulan Orazbekov, Aigul Iskakova. [W]: Photonics Applications in Astronomy, Communications, Industry, and High-Energy Physics Experiments 2017.- 2017, s. 1139-1149 [MNiSW: 15]
2. Neural expert decision support system for stroke diagnosis / Leonid M. Kupershtein, Tatiana B. Martyniuk, Myhail D. Krencin, Andrii V. Kozhemiako, Yurii Bezsmertnyi, Halyna Bezsmertna, Maksat Kolimoldayev, Andrzej Smolarz, Róża Weryńska-Bieniasz, Svetlana Uvaysova. [W]: Photonics Applications in Astronomy, Communications, Industry, and High-Energy Physics Experiments 2017.- 2017, s. 1060-1065 [MNiSW: 15]
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