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Publikacje Pracowników Politechniki Lubelskiej

Autorzy: Szaja Aleksandra, Łagód Grzegorz, Jaromin-Gleń Katarzyna
Wersja dokumentu: Drukowana
Język: angielski
Strony: 130 - 131
Efekt badań statutowych NIE
Materiał konferencyjny: NIE
Publikacja OA: NIE
Abstrakty: angielski
Currently, one of the major challenges in activated sludge process is maintaining appropriated process conditions. However, this system is exposed to the various negative factors such as toxic agents, temperature and pH changes, shock hydraulic and pollutants loads as well as aeration disturbance. Bioaugmentation is known as a technique which has been applied to improve the removal of undesired compounds and to enhance the tolerance of microorganisms against stressful conditions. For monitoring as well as the optimization purposes the respirometry is a commonly applied tool in wastewater treatment plant operation. This technique is based on oxygen uptake rate (OUR) measurement, which could be easily determined during aerobic processes. The respiration rate reports the amount of oxygen per unit volume utilized per time unit by the available microorganisms. Generally, this test has been applied to the activated sludge process, especially to assess substrates’ toxicity and inhibition of biochemical processes. Furthermore, the oxygen uptake rate has also been used to determine microbial activity and viability. In this study, the respiration activity in bioaugmented and non-bioaugmented activated sludge under adverse conditions: low dissolved oxygen (DO) concentration and depletion of external substrate was evaluated. The experiment was carried out in four laboratory scale sequencing batch reactors (SBR), each with the volume of 8 dm3. The non-bioaugmented reactors (SBR A and SBR B) were inoculated with activated sludge from biological reactor of municipal wastewater treatment plant (MWWTP) Hajdów, in Lublin, Poland. The bioaugmented reactors (SBR C and SBR D) were seeded with the same activated sludge but for the bioaugmentation the commercial product Arkea® was used in dose 400 ml. The study was divided into two phases. In the first one, in SBRs oxygen uptake rate was measured during average biological treatment in SBRs. However, in the second part of investigation in SBR A and SBR C activated sludge was only aerated, in the absence of substrate. Additionally, in SBR B and SBR D the low dissolved oxygen level was maintained. It was observed that bioaugmented reactors were more resistant to negative factor (low DO level and depletion of external substrate). The oxygen uptake rate was higher in bioaugmented reactors than in non-bioaugmented reactors. Based on described experiment one could notice that addiction of the Arkea® product improved tolerance of activated sludge for the adverse conditions such a low DO level and the feeding inhibition, what is expressed by higher respiration activity.