The increase in paved surfaces area in cities, in relation to the natural permeable areas, results in
increased loads of pollutants transported by the storm sewage system directly to the receivers. Storm wastewater, as it was reported in literature, in dependence to the type and of urbanized basin and manner of drainage contains significant concentration of pollutants, mainly: Total Suspended Solids (TSS), Total Nitrogen (TN), Total Phosphorus (TP), heavy metals and oil derivatives. In according with the Water Framework Directive, in many European countries, the alternative methods of managing rain sewage are being developed, allowing retention and purification of storm water at the place of its formation. In the case of existing storm swage networks, the numerical analysis of hydraulic conditions and quantitative assessment of transported pollutants may support actions taken to protect the natural ecosystems against the exceeding the permissible concentrations of pollutants. This paper presents the results of modelling of hydraulic parameters and quality conditions of storm wastewater in a selected part of the urban storm sewage system. The USEPA’s (United States Environmental Protection Agency)
software SWMM 5 (Storm Water Management Model) was applied to our studies. Three different rainfall events of various intensity and time duration were studied in our research. The conducted simulation tests enabled the analysis of the sewage flow rate, the canals filling height as well as the oncentrations and loads of TSS, TP, TN at the outlet from the sewage system to the receiver. The results of the performed calculations showed that in the case of low-intensity rainfall, the unfavourable hydraulic conditions are present in the studied network. At the same time, the occurrence of storm event or extreme rainfall can lead to the flushing of deposits collected at the basin surface as well as at the bottom of pipes and the increase in loads of pollutants transported to the receiver.