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Publikacje Pracowników Politechniki Lubelskiej

Autorzy: Pawłowska Małgorzata, Lebiocka Magdalena, Montusiewicz Agnieszka
Rok wydania: 2011
Język: angielski
Źródło: EurAsia Waste Management Symposium, 14-16 November 2011, İstanbul, Turkey
Miasto wystąpienia: Istanbul
Państwo wystąpienia: TURCJA
Efekt badań statutowych NIE
Abstrakty: angielski
The paper presents the results of field exam inations on microbial of methane and selected non-methane organic compounds (benzene, toluene, p-cymene and xylenes) emitted from municipal solid waste landfill during the landfill operation phase. The experimental biofilter (2x2x1.5 m) filled with a mixture of expanded clay pellets and mature municipal waste compost (1:1 v/v) was connected to one of the vertical gas extration wells placed at the part of the landfill temporarily excluded from the operation. The waste in this landfill section was covered by thin layer (ca. 15 cm) of composed sewage sludge overgrown by the ruderal plants. The composition of the gas (LFG) at the inlet and oulet of the biofilter was analyzed. The efficiency of methane concentretion removal was correiated with climate and operational conditions. It was found that the composition and flow tare of LFG were very variable during the experiment. However the axygen had been still present in the gas, affecting the efficiency of methane and NMOCs removal. A value of the maximum capacity of methane oxidation observed in the field study was equal to 1100 g m-2 d-1. The results suggest that in a temperate climate zone biofiltration can be effective method of the mitigation of landfill gas emission, but only in the warm seasons. In the winter time, snow-ice layer was observed in the surface part of the biofilter. Thus the heating of the filer bed would be recommended.