Th e assemblages of ground beetles of forest areas of the northern part of Ukraine were studied:
Polisky Nature Reserve (PNR) and urban parks of Kyiv City. In general, 88 species of carabids of 29 genera
were observed in the studied areas. Th irty-one forest species were found in the studied territories, of
which 22 species were registered in urban parks, and 17 species within the PNR. In all investigated areas,
the number of forest species was lower, than open-habitat species and generalists species. Today, based
on data on the occurrence and abundance of carabid species, forests in urban areas can be considered
as refugia for many forest species, in particular, protected and endangered species — Abax parallelus,
Carabus glabratus, Carabus menetriesi and Cychrus caraboides. Th e results of cluster analysis, non-metric
multidimensional scaling and detrended correspondence analysis showed the diff erence between the
forests of the PNR and the urban parks. In addition, the species richness of the PNR were lower than in
urban parks. Th e results of the study showed that urban parks can be considered as important elements
for the future management and conservation of landscapes.