Horrobin’s membrane phospholipidtheory of schizophrenia : the relationship between the niacin skin flush test, levels of GPR120 receptorand dietary fat intake
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Autorzy: | Karakula-Juchnowicz H., Róg Joanna, Wolszczak Piotr, Stelmach Ewa, Dzikowski Michał, Kozioł Małgorzata, Morylowska-Topolska Justyna, Juchnowicz Dariusz, Gałaszkiewicz Joanna, Tomaka Joanna, Kozioł Maciej |
Rok wydania: | 2018 |
URL do źródła | LINK |
Język: | angielski |
Źródło: | 26th European Congress of Psychiatry |
Miasto wystąpienia: | Nicea |
Państwo wystąpienia: | FRANCJA |
Efekt badań statutowych | NIE |
Abstrakty: | angielski |
According to Horrobin’s theory of schizophrenia,the biochemical basis of the illness is lipid metabolism disrup-tion caused by hyperactivity of phospholipase A2 (PLA2). Theniacin skin flush test reflects an activity of PLA2 and could assesslipid metabolism abnormalities. Activated by essential fatty acids(EFAs) GPR120 receptor mediates stimulation of PLA2. The role ofGPR120 in the positive effect of EFAs omega-3 supplementation inschizophrenic patients remains unclear.Objectives.– The aim of this study was to determine the relationshipbetween the flush response to niacin, serum levels of GPR120 andfat intake among patients with schizophrenia and healthy controls. Methods.– We performed the niacin skin flush test, measuredGPR120 serum level and estimated fat intake in 49 patients diag-nosed with schizophrenia and 27 healthy volunteers. PANSS scalewere used to determine psychopathological symptoms in thepatients group.Results.– Flush response to niacin was lower in the patients groupcompared to the healthy controls (P< 0.05) despite no difference inGPR120 serum levels and fat intake between groups. In the patientsgroup there was a positive association between GPR120 and fattyacid intake (P< 0.05) and a negative association with psychopatho-logical symptoms. There was no link between GPR120 and fat intakein the control group (P< 0.05).Conclusions.– The results suggest differences in lipid metabolism inthe patients group compared to the control group and confirmingHorrobin’s theory.Disclosure of interest.– The authors have not supplied a conflict ofinterest statement. |