The selection of suppliers is one of the key issues of supply logistics of any business entity. Due to the globalization of the economy and the rapid technological progress, the choice of products and the number of vendors is growing, which makes the selection process difficult. The specific character of the construction projects (one-off contracts with no incentives of the steady orders from one client, the need to adjust the batch size to the pace of the construction works whereas this pace is affected by risks and uncertainties, short time for planning, etc.) poses extra challenges to the suppliers' production and transportation capacities and defines what "capable suppliers" mean for the project success. Therefore, the criteria of a construction project supplier selection go far beyond the obvious "price". They need to refer to the supplier's bid as well as the supplier's own qualities (financial standing, reputation, flexibility). Though the selection process is expected to be based on unequivocal and objective input, in practice, it rests upon opinions and artificial measures used in lieu of the complete information. This input is, thus, fuzzy by nature and ignoring this fact may lead to wrong decisions. Therefore, the authors analyze the ways of quantifying supplier selection criteria and the methods of using them in the decision-making process presented in the literature. Then, they present a numerical example of supplier selection based on AHP with the fuzzy input, juxtaposing it with the results of the "classical" AHP with a crisp input. The results are different. Though this difference cannot be generalized, it indicates that the method of analysis may strongly affect the decision-makers choices.