According to the Central Statistical Office in Poland, for the last 10 years (2009 -2018), the number of trucks has increased by as much as 25%. More than 6 million trucks drive in the European Union, and Poland, followed by Italy, boasts of thelargest fleet (over one million trucks) . For some time, freight transportation companies have been signaling the problem of lack of staff. The Polish Road Transport Inspectorate and the National Labor Inspectorate supervise the transportation sector. Allissues related to drivers’ working time are law-regulated. The main objective of introducing regulations on drivers’ working time is to improve road safety and drivers’ working conditions. The top-down imposition of break and rest periods prevents drivers’ fatigue and serves to regenerate forces. Fatigue reduces psychomotor skills, and the speed of reaction is particularly important in this profession. The practical goal of this article is to show how drivers perceive these problems, this scientific problem but in a different approach was also presented in the works. The analyzed results come from research conducted by the authors of the article. The research was conducted in the form of a multidirectional survey, 100 people (professional trucks drivers) answered each question. Each of them declared that they are a driver and work in Poland. The study was conducted in December 2018