Electronic excited states of athracene-9-carboxylic acid chemisorbed on the surface of TiO2 nanoparticles were investigated by means of the electroabsorption (Stark effect) spectroscopy at low temperature. In addition to a fraction of molecules adsorbed with no significant spectral changes, two forms absorbing at lowered energy (25,600 cm−1 and 24,900 cm−1) were observed, that exhibit a large increase in the excited-minus-ground state dipole moments, 2.7 D and 9.5 D, respectively, as well as changed molecular polarizabilities. The dipole moments are interpreted as indicators of partial charge-transfer character of the excited state, corresponding to the optical electron transfer from the adsorbate onto TiO2 concomitantly with the photon absorption. Consequences of these observations are shortly discussed in the context of the electron transfer process in dye-sensitized solar cells.