Two aspects of static work of the joint between shrinkable and expansive concrete, resulting from the specificnature of the adhesion of expansive concrete, are discussed. Firstly, the effectiveness of the joint betweenshrinkable and expansive concrete working in different stress-strain states was tested. It was stated that thestrength of such a joint is greater than in the case of the connection of two shrinkable concretes. Secondly, it wasconsidered that expansion occurs in the young expansive concrete while the adhesion is still in process and theinterface is deformable. On the basis of the layer structures’ mechanics the influence of interface deformabilityon the initial stress-strain state, caused by expansion in concrete composite structures, was confirmed. Thestresses caused in the interface by expansion are lower at the end of the composite beam or plate than in the caseof a non-deformable interface, but they appear on the longer section of the beam. The final value of the force ofexpansion, causing the ‘prestressing’ of an element, changes along the composite beam or plate according to thelevel of interface deformability.