Availability of numerous computer models allowing numerical simulation of water supply systems and possible integration among GIS (Geographic Information System), SCADA (Supervisory Control And Data Acqusition) and CIS (Customer Information System) databases results in increased application of modeling by water supply companies in systems operation and management. The available pieces of simulation software based on mathematical models allow reflecting operation of water supply network and simulation of variable random events, possible on the network, without interference in real, existing systems. One of the most important aspects of practical application of numerical simulations is calibration of models, usually based on minimization of differences between results of calculations and values measured empirically, possible due to determination of physical and operational characteristics of the water supply system. This paper contains calibration results of hydraulic model of the selected municipal water supply network. The tested hydraulic model was developed in Epanet 2.0, basing on data provided by the local water supply company and water demand determined due to domestic watermeters readings. The calibration was performed by trial-and-error method using results of pressure measurements in the selected points of network. The characteristics of pipelines selected to calibration covered pipe material roughness, pipe diameter and hydraulic characteristics of applied pumps. The performed calibration of model representing the real water supply network revealed several problems including availability of in-situ measurements results and validation of fitting degree of tested variables in calibration module of Epanet 2.0. The performed statistical analysis allowed assessment of model data fitting in several nodes of the developed model