The paper presented the analysis of heat consumption for heating in multi-family residential buildings before and after thermal retrofitting. The analysis involved four groups of buildings, i.e., 43 buildings in total, located in various localities, belonging to one weather station. The predicted level of energy savings resulting from thermal retrofitting was achieved from the energy audits. The actual heat consumption, following the calculation into so-called external standard conditions, was obtained based on the readouts from heat-meters. For each building, the values of heat consumption over the periods of 6–10 years were read. The performance measurements involved the periods before, during, and after thermal retrofitting. The following statistical tests were used for data analysis: Wilcoxon–Mann–Whitney, Shapiro–Wilk, Bartlett, ANOVA, Kruskal–Wallis, Dunn and Holm post-hoc. The performed analyses showed that the mean value of energy savings predicted by audits reached 38.5% when the real mean value of savings, achieved from heat-meters, equaled 30.3%. The annual energy demand factors for heating were calculated for final energy and non-renewable primary energy factors. It was established that most of the analyzed objects fulfilled the primary energy factor requirements found in the Polish technical and construction regulations, which were valid at the time of investment.