Very low energy-consuming procedure is proposed for synthesis of zeolitic materials from fly ash. Three different zeolite materials (X, P and S), rich in zeolite phases, Na–X (FAU), NaP1 (GIS) and sodalite (SOD) were produced from F-class fly ash, using NaOH and NaCl solutions under atmospheric pressure at temperature below 110 °C. Obtained zeolitic products were analysed for their composition and physicochemical properties then compared to the raw fly ash and commercial adsorbents. The zeolitization results in a significant increase of CEC (from 5.5 up to 239 meq 100 g− 1), and the high ability to adsorb heavy metal ions (over 40 mg g− 1) and retain complex and organic molecules (EGME), mostly evident for material X. Adsorptive purification of waste and working lubricating oils using zeolitic products allow to provide their commercial applications in petroleum industry. Leachability of toxic elements after standard post-reaction washing is environmentally safe.