Sustainable development is now the core idea in the UN’s and the EU’s policies. It
assumes changes in human behaviour in relation to other people and the environment and it calls for
ending our destructive attitude to the nature and beginning of a real protection. If this change really
happens, we will witness Sustainable Development Revolution for the sake of the present and future
generations.Perhaps the biggest challenge relates to the energy sector. Our civilization cannot sustain
itself without access to electricity and the demand for energy is still growing: it is assumed, that it
will double to the year 2040, in comparison with the year 2010. The biggest challenge is, that there
are different ways of electricity production with different environmental consequences. Now we are
witnessing a shift from coal technologies to sustainable renewable sources of energy. Although they
are not environmentally neutral, still are much better than traditional coal power plants. The paper
discusses chosen problems connected with the renewable energy sector, showing positive and negative
factors, that are influencing the present situation.