In this research, a new approach to formation of ecological and economic basics of rational use of biomass was theoretically generalized and proposed. The methodical approaches to the rational distribution of biomass on the example of straw of grain crops were proven. Considering the fact that when plowing under only the root and surface stubble residues in the soil, there is a negative balance of humus. The authors calculated that the addition of straw of grain crops in the soil, which leads to the achievement of a positive balance of humus, the ecological and economic effect from the use of straw of grain crops in the process of energy substitution in the Rivne region (Ukraine) can range from 6,194.7 to 121,881.7 thousand UAH. The most environmental-friendly is the use of 25% of the straw of grain crops for the energy needs, which meets the European approaches that are acceptable from the point of view of economic efficiency. However, the ecological and economic impact is greatest when it used 50% straw for energy purposes. Thus, the study provides a scientific and methodical approach to determining the ecological and economic efficiency of biomass use, the result of which formed the positive economic, environmental, and social impacts of bioenergy development on the principles of ‘green’ economy. It will promote clean energy in the context of European integration, allow increasing the pace of agricultural production, part of which will be weighted to be used for energy needs, and ensure sustainable use and conservation of the environment.