We would like to present to the readers another study "Technological and design aspects of the processing of composites and nanocomposites. Volume IV". The book contains a selection of issues which - on the basis of such a defined topic - the team describing them found particularly important and interesting. The authors have taken up the presented problems considering them to be extremely up-to-date and relevant to the contemporary international community representing both the industrial and scientific sectors. The work presented in this monograph relates primarily to the activities carried out in the fifth year of the international project "Investigation and development of a new generation of machines for the processing of composite and nanocomposites materials" with the acronym Newex, for which contract GA 734205 was signed under the Horizon 2020, Research and Innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions (H2020-MSCA-RISE-2016). This is the fourth monograph on the project topic. The period of the pandemic (March 2020 - July 2021) significantly limited the opportunities for knowledge transfer and international exchange within the Newex project, but the enthusiasm accompanying the realization of the project idea and the belief in the further possibility of international cooperation and discovering the undiscovered, contributed to the creation of this monograph. We dedicate the monograph primarily to internationalists - practitioners and theoreticians, including adepts of science and industry, dealing with issues related to the design of processing machines and tools and new materials, as well as the study of their properties. We think especially warmly of the doctoral students and undergraduates of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of Lublin University of Technology, Technical University of Košice and University of Minho, for whom lectures on polymer processing have been given for several years as part of the third, second- and first-degree studies. The team of persons who wrote this monograph consists of lecturers with decades of scientific and didactic experience as well as of those who are taking their first steps in the field of science. Such a selection of authors allows us to hope that the book is varied, both in terms of style and content, and that it will be of interest to the Reader, thus fulfilling its role well.