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The automotive market has been developing very dynamically recently. Contemporary
trends focus on the development of the so-called intelligent vehicles, often combined with modern
technology and supporting systems. Cars with a large scope of operation in terms of driving
autonomy can increasingly be found. These types of solutions can lead to changes in production
processes through the emergence and growing importance of new concepts and technologies. The
article presents the concept of BEV (Battery Electric Vehicle) and PHEV (Plug-in Hybrid Electric
Vehicle) vehicles in relation to modern solutions and their levels of autonomy. The research was
conducted in various groups of respondents, while the analyses were carried out mainly with the
use of two grouping variables: gender and place of residence. Based on our own research, it can be
concluded that due to many different factors, most respondents believe that PHEV hybrid vehicles
and electric vehicles (BEV) are currently, and will most likely be in the near future, the dominant type
of vehicles appearing on roads in Poland, at the same time indicating the level of advancement of
autonomy as average (mainly level 1, 2 and 3).