Contemporary research has covered the history of civilization, starting from hunters and gathers, through agrarian civilization related to the sedentary agricultural way of life, through the transitional period of industrial civilization, then the second industrial revolution (electrification, nuclear oil) to enter the “stage of the knowledge society”, with the return to attention to renewable sources as a result of the depletion of the natural resources of our land, used since the settlement process. The relationship formulated in this way leads to the need to document the relationship between architecture and urban planning on the stability of renewable energy sources - energy sources, allowing for permanent residence in built-up areas (both in historical and contemporary cities of the future, (a new research area started at the end of the 20th century) - “knowledge-based economy” - in which many researchers conduct a series of synergistic analyzes of new phenomena in this new area: [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6]. The simultaneous widespread awareness of the impact of ecology on human life (made the program nature protection a necessary requirement), developing research processes with the implementation of ecological solutions. The direct sourcing of green energy stored in groundwater for HVAC systems to heat and cool buildings and structures is a prime example of the cheapest CO2. utilisation. Keywords: innovation, new technologies, reduction of operational cost, CO2 utilisation.