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This research was funded by the project of institutional research of the Faculty of Operation and
Economics of Transport and Communications, University of Žilina no. 2/KCMD/2021 Research on the
impact of urban logistics on the environment.
Road transport safety, apart from environmental protection, is one of the most
important tasks for the contemporary world. Annually, about 50 million people are injured
in road accidents around the world, of which nearly 1.5 million die as a result. Transport
safety consists of many activities and includes various initiatives, including legal changes,
training, preventive actions, building safe road infrastructure, and the production of safe
vehicles and control systems. This article deals with the issue of performing roadside
technical inspections in the Slovak Republic. Specifically, it analyses the results of these
roadside technical inspections in individual counties of the Slovak Republic and examines
their possible impact on transport and logistics systems in these counties. The correlation
analysis showed that the number of checks under the technical roadside inspections is
weakly related to the number of logistics centres, but the number of such inspections is
moderate in relation to the number of failed vehicles (correlation coefficient = 0.44079).
In addition, due to the age of the vehicles, the number of serious and dangerous faults found
on them during maintenance inspection increases.