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This work was supported by the National Science Centre, Poland [Grant number: UMO-2017/27/B/ST8/02905]. This work was supported by the science work number WI/WM-IIM/6/2021 and financed
from a research subsidy provided by the Minister of Education and Science.
In the paper, flow boiling in three parallel minichannels with a common inlet and outlet area was examined. The synchronization between flow distributions in minichannels was analyzed in local area (image analysis) and as the process of the synchronization between inlet and outlet pressure fluctuations. These processes were studied using cross recurrence plot. The analysis of pixel brightness changes inside minichannels has been applied to identify the similarity of flow patterns changes inside minichannels. The results have revealed that the processes of synchronization have a negative impact on water inlet and outlet temperature and inlet and outlet pressure oscillations. During synchronization high amplitude of oscillations of temperature and pressure occur. The mentioned behaviors are caused mainly by reverse flow. In the paper it has been shown that recurrence analysis of inlet and outlet pressure oscillations can be used for assessment of boiling synchronization in minichannels.