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This work was prepared within the project PM/SP/0063/2021/1 titled “Innovative measurement techno-
logies supported by digital data processing algorithms for improved processes and products”, financed
by the Ministry of Education and Science (Poland) as part of the Polish Metrology Programme.
The paper presents the results of measurement uncertainty obtained with a tool probe
for 4 cutting tools with different values of the nominal radius rf = {3,4,5,7} mm. The
tool probe was used to collect experimental data enabling the evaluation of the uncer-
tainty budget of the measuring system. The evaluation was made based on a statistical
analysis of measured tool radius values. Each radius value was determined by 30 repe-
titions of tool probe measurement. The mean value and the standard uncertainty of
obtained results were determined. Assuming that the expansion factor was k=2, the
expanded uncertainty U was determined, its value ranging between 0.00142 mm and
0.00462 mm for the tested tool radius values. The standard uncertainty ranged from
0.00081 to 0.00231 mm. According to the manufacturer's specifications, the standard
uncertainty of the probe is 0.0015 mm.