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Publikacje Pracowników Politechniki Lubelskiej

Lista 2023
Autorzy: Kosmulski Marek
Aby zobaczyć szczegóły należy się zalogować.
Rok wydania: 2023
Wersja dokumentu: Elektroniczna
Język: angielski
Wolumen/Tom: 319
Numer artykułu: 102973
Strony: 1 - 26
Impact Factor: 16,0
Web of Science® Times Cited: 32
Scopus® Cytowania: 35
Bazy: Web of Science | Scopus
Efekt badań statutowych NIE
Finansowanie: This research was supported by Lublin University of Technology, grant number FD-EE-407.
Materiał konferencyjny: NIE
Publikacja OA: TAK
Sposób udostępnienia: Witryna wydawcy
Wersja tekstu: Ostateczna wersja opublikowana
Czas opublikowania: W momencie opublikowania
Data opublikowania w OA: 7 sierpnia 2023
Abstrakty: angielski
Surfaces are often characterized by their points of zero charge (PZC) and isoelectric points (IEP). Different authors use these terms for different quantities, which may be equal to the actual PZC under certain conditions. Several popular methods lead to results which are inappropriately termed PZC. This present review is limited to zero-points obtained in the presence of inert electrolytes (halides, nitrates, and perchlorates of the 1st group metals). IEP are reported for all kinds of materials. PZC of metal oxides obtained as common intersection points of potentiometric curves for 3 or more ionic strengths (or by means of equivalent methods) are also reported, while the apparent PZC obtained by mass titration, pH-drift method, etc. are deliberately neglected. The results published in the recent publications and older results overlooked in the previous compilations by the same author are reported. The PZC/IEP are accompanied by information on the temperature and on the nature and concentration of supporting electrolyte (if available). The references to previous reviews by the same author allow to compare the newest results with the PZC/IEP of similar materials from the older literature.